Threatened Species
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Discover the cutting-edge solutions being used to safeguard some of Australia’s most vulnerable animals. Learn about Zoos Victoria’s multi-disciplinary approach to recovering a threatened species, which includes monitoring and research, conservation breeding, habitat enhancement and protection, species translocation, and community engagement. Expert-led keynote presentations and free resources are now available for you and your group.

Detection Dogs
$770 incl GST
This keynote is for a general audience and explores how innovation is being used in wildlife conservation. Learn how Zoos Victoria trains dogs to help scientists find and monitor rare Victorian animals, using their incredible sense of smell.

Threatened Species Recovery
$770 incl GST
This keynote is for professionals working in zoos, aquaria, science, conservation and catchment management. Learn about the collective and strategic effort it takes to turn the dial for a critically endangered species.

Local Threatened Species
Learn more about the Australian animals that Zoos Victoria is saving from extinction.

Detection Dog Squad
This page will introduce you to Zoos Victoria’s Detection Dog program, which is helping some of Australia’s most threatened species.
Golden-rayed Blue Butterfly
This video case study explains how First Peoples, government agencies, landholders and schools are working together to support the population of a local butterfly.