Keeper Kids Dino activities
- Keeper Kids Elephant activities
- Keeper Kids Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon activities
- Keeper Kids Waterways activities
- Keeper Kids activities minibeasts
- Keeper Kids Southern Corroboree Frog activities
- Keeper kids Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby activities
- Mountain Pygmy Possum activities
- Keeper Kids Reptile activities
- Keeper Kids Activities Birds
Foster your child's love of wildlife through connection with the wonders of their natural world. Learn about animal families, through craft and play.
Learn about dinosaurs through craft and play.
Create a Nature dinosaur mask.
Collect items from nature, you would be surprised how many leaves look like scales, claws or teeth.
Use these natural materials to stick onto your mask.
Pretend to be a dinosaur! Why not add claw feet and a tail to really become a dinosaur!

Create your own puppets to use for storytelling.
Colour in, cut out and stick these Dinos to pegs so they can open their mouths, I wonder if they are looking for food, or making a sound?
Create your own story with your puppets and tell it to your friends or family.
Join us at Keeper kids storytime 9:30am weekdays to hear more dinosaur stories. Happy storytelling!

There are so many animals that have claws at the Zoo, claws to help Koalas climb, claws to help Cassowary protect eggs, and claws to help Emus scratch the ground, what other animals at the Zoo can you find that have claws?
Dinosaurs had big claws too!
Can you make your own clawed feet from recycled boxes?
Have fun pretending to be an animal with claws!